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Dabur India Ltd. - Globalization
作者姓名:Niraj Dawar; Ramasastry Chandrasekhar
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B09A017
出版日期:2009/06/26內容長度:18 頁

Dabur, an Indian consumer package goods company, had established a strong brand equity in India by offering, for decades, a vast portfolio of over-the-counter products. In seeking international expansion in 1987, it first took the export route. It also "followed" the customer, targeting the Indian diaspora in the Middle East, Africa and the United States, already familiar with the brand. By 2006, Dabur had set up five manufacturing facilities .....more

H&R Sewing Machine Company
作者姓名:Stephen Hummel; Kenneth Harling
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B08M082
出版日期:2008/11/10內容長度:20 頁

This case deals with H&R, a company that distributes sewing equipment in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Its future is in jeopardy because of fundamental changes in the global sewing industries stemming from changes in trade restrictions. The consequence is that Canadian sewing activities are in decline as activities in low-cost foreign countries grow rapidly. As Canadian activities decline, H&R's performance has been suffering. But the .....more

Millway Fabrics Canada
作者姓名:James A. Erskine; Erin Donovan
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B07C010
出版日期:2007/03/16內容長度:4 頁

The director of operations for Millway Fabrics Canada walked into her office and one of the customer service agents was waiting for her in tears. The customer service agent (agent) needed a week off to take care of her son who was about to have surgery to have his tonsils removed. The agent had already taken all her vacation and sick time due to her son’s illness. The agent was a strong performer and was well-liked by her co-workers. The director .....more

Ssangyong Corporation (Traditional Chinese version)
作者姓名:Paul W. Beamish; David J. Sharp; Chang-Bum Choi; Yongwook Jun
出版日期:2006/11/16內容長度:18 頁

Ssangyong Corporation, a major Korean general trading company (GTC) needed to refocus its trading business to better adapt to the current environment. The Korean manufacturers' departure-from-traders phenomenon had led to fierce competition among traders, and weakened GTCs' bargaining power over manufacturers. The first issue requiring resolution was whether and how Ssangyong's existing product-market portfolio might be redefined. A second .....more

Acushnet Canada Inc.: The Bonded Warehouse Initiative
作者姓名:Gregory S. Zaric; Ian Friedman
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B05E012
出版日期:2005/09/22內容長度:3 頁

Acushnet Canada Inc. is considering using Canada Customs Bonded Warehouses to store golf shoes, gloves, outerwear and club heads inventory purchased from overseas suppliers. ACI often has to procure inventory four to six months before they needs it in order to ensure they will be able to meet customer requirements during the busy season. The critical managerial issue is considering the tradeoff between the cash flow savings (through duty postponement) .....more

Palmyra Trading Company
作者姓名:Gregory S. Zaric; Amrou Awaysheh
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B01E022
出版日期:2002/03/11內容長度:6 頁

Palmyra Trading Company imports commodities from Europe and Asia for sale in the Syrian wholesale market. The vice-president has been advised that the company is still in contention in a tender bid, but has been asked to submit a new bid at a lower cost. The vice-president is aware that a competitor was in the same situation. The vice-president must determine the range of bids the company could make to secure the contract and perform a sensitivity .....more

Corporate Promotion Incorporated
作者姓名:Elizabeth M.A. Grasby; Shawna Porter
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B01N014
出版日期:2001/12/07內容長度:14 頁

Corporate Promotions Incorporated, a small merchandising company producing specialty advertising products, custom clothing and pre-printed paper for promotional campaigns, had an opportunity to bid on a sales contract of two to five million dollars. Serious cash flow problems threatened to prevent the company from servicing the customer, and the company's president approached the Bank of Ontario to request a $75,000 increase to its working capital .....more

Canadian Auto Tariff Debate
作者姓名:James H. Tiessen
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B01M034
出版日期:2001/08/09內容長度:18 頁

In 1998 it appeared that Japanese auto companies could be forced to pay duty on their non-NAFTA imports into Canada. The U.S. Big Three auto makers (GM, Ford and Chrysler), in contrast did not have to pay such a tariff on their offshore imports such as those made by Ford-owned Jaguar (United Kingdom) and GM's Saab (Sweden). The Japanese and U.S. firms were treated differently because of the 1966 Auto Pact that made all Big Three imports duty-free. .....more

Diana Phelps
作者姓名:James A. Erskine; Duane Snelgrove
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B01C018
出版日期:2001/05/28內容長度:16 頁

The assistant product manager at a large packaged goods firm does not receive the promotion she was expecting following her first year of employment. Simultaneously, she receives a call from an executive search firm offering her the potential to move to a competing company. She must decide whether to investigate moving or to stay with her current employer. The importance of managing upwards and the pros and cons of executive search firms are high .....more

3M Chile - Health Care Products (A)
作者姓名:Terry H. Deutscher; Daniel D. Campbell
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A99A004
出版日期:1999/05/05內容長度:17 頁

Looking for a creative option to promote 3M products to medical professionals, a 3M Chile sales manager developed the idea of a first-aid kit or "botiquin" that could be used as a promotional gift. Managers at the company's world headquarters had not previously focused on branded first-aid kits. It was the same all over the world, a plain white box with the red cross in front. "You just can't brand a first-aid kit!" they .....more